Fan Art Drawings vol.1


Ghost in the Shell SAC_2045

Motoko Kusanagi
untitled post human lady
Tachikoma with text


Animal Crossing Fan Art
Animal Crossing
Breath of the Wild Fan Art
Breath of the Wild
Monster Hunter Fan Art
Monster Hunter (I've only played the demo version)
Salmon Run Fan Art
Salmon Run

Powerwolf -> Powerdog

I did these for my colleague who loves Powerwolf – a German heavy metal band. It was very fun studying the composition and elements in their official album arts as well as the arts from their fans. It is something out of my comfort zone and I've learned a lot of great ideas in creating dramatic effects with composition.

I can't depict awesome martyr wolves like the artists behind these artworks can, so I use "Powerdog" in my drawings, one level down on the fierceness scale.

I will try my best to find the references and sources back here. If there is something missing please let me know.

Blessed & Possessed
I enjoyed drawing the praying figure.
Fire & Forgive
This is my favorite because everyone is flying, in contrast of the main figure putting a flag into the ground. The original artwork uses postures to make this contrast.
Call of the Wild
The Sacrament of Sin
The Monumental Mass
In the original artwork the dog's hand is not touching the head of the figure in the background.
Demons are a Girl's best Friend
an appealing demon dog in my version
Best of the Blessed
One final composition I made to mix all the elements learned from drawing the above studies. This time with a better–fitting logotype.